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Re: Live presentation of Audi TT in Yugoslavia?!?!?!?!

I hope they don't present it the way they did in Brazil.  Senna Sport
introduced the car by hooking it onto the bottom of a Helicopter and
flying low over the city of Sao Paulo..... they might get more than ooos
and ahhhs in Yugosalvia.



 "Jouko Haapanen" <joukoh@vtoy.fi> writes:

>Tonight at 8 pm Yugoslavian time (CET??) there is a live TT 
>presentation to
>be seen at http://www.audi.co.yu/tt_presentation.asp .
>I certainly don't want to start a political thread or even express my
>personal view on current political events, but it might be worthwhile, 
>might just catch a glimpse of a Tomahawk whizzing by the 

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