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 No Audi content but thoght someone might like to get a few shares of a new
company that will be entereing
the stock market... Just follow the steps & get your own I.D. number & Email
this form leteer to others.
>From: Bob Mansker <oscargum@datasync.com>
>>This company is offering to give away FREE stock shares, like Yahoo did at
its launch - you might want to check this out. (It doesn't cost anything)
>>I am not working for this company, nor am I encouraging any of you to take
advantage of this offer.  However, after checking them out, I am utilizing
their offer to get the free directory of Internet services and businesses
(I.e. the Monsterbook) in 4th Qtr of 1999.  If that results in me getting a
free share or two of their stock, I certainly would not turn it down.  For
anyone who uses the Net for business or pleasure, the Monsterbook could be
very beneficial - and it's all free!
>>1. Go to    http://www.monsterbook.com/SignUp2.asp    which is a known and
respected company.
>>2. Enter referral No. 964003
>>3. Once you sign up you will get your own number (look for it after you
enter the information, it wiil be at the bottom of the page that comes back
on after you mouse the Submit button) and for every person you get to sign
up, you will receive a share (worth $10)!
>>I understand they are only taking a certain number! (first one million people)
>>Bob Mansker
>Note: CNBC says this company will go through the roof when it launches...  
Bob Mansker
Ocean Springs, Mississippi  (next to Biloxi)...State bird is the "Mosquito"...
'87 5KSQ..... 176,000 & counting..
oscargum@datasync.com  .. I always look at my Email before trashing!!!!
 Ask me about "Melaleuca" for your Health & Extra Income....