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Re: Red Dash Gone?

> > My nephew is full red/green color blind.  So is his uncle (my
> > brother-in-law).  They think it is a Mediterranean thing (Turkish Cypriots).
> > Anyway, my nephew got my old 5ksct 5sp.  He has never complained about
> > reading the dash at night or in low light situations.  My brother-in-law has
> > a BuMWiper 740iL.  He has no complaints either.  I don't know why this
> > contradicts what Chris said tho'.
> I had always believe that red/green colour blindness was the inability
> to distinguish between the two colours, not an inability to see them at
> all. 

Actually, there are many variations of red/green colour blindness.
In my case, I can see red and green quite clearly, or so I believe.
But I have a lot of trouble distinguishing between various shades of
dark greens, olives, browns etc. And as I stated in my original post
I can't see the red-lit instruments in a half-light situation, even
though I can quite clearly make out a red traffic light in the same
conditions. The red traffic light is the one on the bottom, right?

Chris Palmer (1995.5 S6 Avant)         "Ashes to ashes,
Sustaining IBM/Switched Protocols       dust to dust,
capalmer@baynetworks.com                if Lillee don't get you,
                                        Thommo must."