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Re: Red Dash

On Tue, 30 Mar 1999 15:40:15 -0500, you wrote:

>All this talk of red dash lights made me think - first they (Audi AG, most
>likely because of AoA) take the headlight switch, on the A6, off the column
>stalk and move it to the dash.  And, now they remove the red lights for
>white ones!  What's next?  Are they going to start making Audis in Detroit,
>so that they look, feel and are identical copies of everything else out
>I never hear any Audi owners bitch about the red lights or headlight switch
>placement just car journalist and other nonbelivers.  I have only one
>request for Audi - F*#$ being PC and build the cars the way that makes the
>most sense (i.e. engineering, performance, safety, etc.) and the people
>that don't like them can go buy their toyota es300s, acura accords, nissan
>q45s, etc.

A real Audi needs to have red dash and headlight switch at the
steering column! :) (Yes, I'm serious)

Long life to the 5K and the 100!