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Re: Shudder in 1st gear when engaging clutch
In message <E18DB914BB72D011A5330000F82284800282273E@gb-chw-mail1.charnwood.gb.astra.com> christopher.austin@charnwood.gb.astra.com writes:
> I have just bought a 1996 A4 2.6 Quattro from a Audi dealer in the UK.
> When I engage the clutch in first gear the car "shudders" until the gear is
> properly engaged. The shudder is worse when the car is cold.
> Is this normal for Quattros (as the dealer told me) or is it a fault?
It's a fault. Call me or Roger Galvin (0966 136714) on Saturday or
Sunday and you can bring it down to Lutterworth for us to check it
out - it will be an interesting break from hunting the 2113 fault code
on my quattro and rebuilding the engine in one of Roger's quattros.
(BTW - the cause is usually a poor quality after-market clutch plate
sourced from a bunch of scam merchants in Nottingham. Quite common
in the East Midlands about 18 months ago. Springs missing from the
middle of the plate ...)
Any documentary evidence of clutch work? Have you asked the dealer
(or any other dealer) for a look at VAG's computer records of warranty
work. Bet there's a code on the database for clutch replacement - and
bet the dealer didn't fit an Audi part.
Phil Payne
Phone: 0385 302803 Fax: 01536 723021
(The contents of this post will _NOT_ appear in the UK Newsletter.)