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RE: S4 buying gotchas

this can get confusing.  the the original s2's (3b motor) were 5-speeds
only.  this continued with the 80-based s4 (after the original 100-based s4
became the s6).  however, when the original (100-based) s4 saloon was
introduced in '91 (model 4a-m-001), this introduced the aan (230hp) motor
and the option of the 6-speed tranny.  as well as a 4-speed automatic.  when
the s4 became the s6, this option continued.  along with the automatic.

a *different* 6-speed box was introduced on the facelift s2 (230hp aby
motor), and this was used for the rs2 (adu motor) and the s6+ (ahk motor) as

the 6-speed s4 box is different from the 6-speed s2/rs2/s6+ one (different
shafts and gears).

'95 rs2
'90 ur-q

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-audi-s-cars@lists.emailsol.com
[mailto:owner-audi-s-cars@lists.emailsol.com]On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, 3 April 1999 07:42
To: AUDI S Cars Discussion List
Cc: Lewis, Gary M; quattro@coimbra.ans.net;
200q20v@pdikeman.ne.mediaone.net; 'AUDI-S-CARS list'
Subject: Re: S4 buying gotchas

1. I believe all Euro S4's had 6 speeds, new and old.

2. The 91 200q 20v when chipped is faster through lower gears (1-3, maybe
4) than a similarly chipped S4 - this is due to the gearing of the 5-speed
in the S4 as well as the additional weight. However, comparing both cars in
stock form, the S4 is marginally faster.  That has been my real world
experience, and I believe the math would confirm it in theory.


Brett Dikeman wrote:
> On Fri, 2 Apr 1999, Lewis, Gary M wrote:
> > I don't believe the 200q20v is faster than a S4.  Every performance
> > comparision I've seen has the S4 outperforming the 91 200q20v.
> > the S4 has an overboost function that adds more power.
> The top HP figures for the early S4's are exactly 10hp higher than
> the 200q20v, and the early S4's weigh exactly 200 pounds more.
> The 200q20v has a lower lb/ft-lb and lb/hp numbers than the S4.  Hence,
> it's probably faster(but I would say they're even; the nicities in the
> S4 are better.)
> Out of curiosity, which S4's had 6-speeds?  Only the 2nd round(ie,
> a4-body) S4's?
> Brett