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Re: Coolant Problem/Thermostat location? '92 100 Failsafe thermostats

In message <004b01be7f6b$882f9300$578c6395@stephenb> "Stephen Bigelow" writes:

> >BTW, I saw an ad recently in a parts store for a thermostat that 'fails
> >open' instead of 'closed'; but I don't remember the brand name.  Has anyone
> >had any experience with such a thermostat?

> "Failsafe" thermostat by Motorad is one. "Exclusive" to Canadian Tire (I've
> got the catalog in front of me)...
> "Failsafe thermorstats will never fail in the closed postition! When a
> standard thermostat burns out it can lock shut and bloack coolant flow.
> Failsafe always allows free-flow to protect engine from over-heat damage.
> Each............10.79-28.79"

I'd rather have one that failed shut - at least you find out there's a
problem in short order, usually via a dashboard display.

A thoermostat that fails open will cause the engine to run too cold and
may not be noticed for months - by which time the bores will be well and
truly oval.

 Phil Payne
 Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
 (The contents of this post will _NOT_ appear in the UK Newsletter.)