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Re: Not just Gas Prices. But everything Else is EFFECTED.

It is also my understanding that many industrial fertilizers are made using
petroleum. Petroleum runs out, food supply drops, population drops,
surviving population has no Audis as we know them.
We all know that nobody likes to drive their Audi on an empty stomach.
(that's Audi content. right?)


>They extract PLASTIC from oil.  This mean plastic products prices will go
>up(Pens, Cellphones, Plastic Audi emblem(MAC, Manitory Audi Content).
>will buy less things.  Company sends out pink slips.  Jobs are lost and
>people buy less things.  Its a downwards spiral.  But thats JUST plastic.
>Think about the other products that is deprived from Oil?  But here is
>another one.  If gas prices go up.  Airline tickets go up.  Less people
>travel.  Travel agency goes out of business.  Less jobs.  Airlines buys
>airplanes.  Boeing sells less airplanes.  Pink slips.(which happen already
>So what does all this mean?  Simple...Its not about the prices of gas
> There is a bigger picture to this.  I foresee a recession, if the prices
>continue to go up.  Nothing I or we can do about it.  Just brace yourself.
>My 3 cents.(cuz, I ain't cheap and give you 2, =)
>Jason C
>89 200t10v
>Redmond WA