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Re: Switching oils

>     I'm currently running winter wieght 5W50 Castrol Syntec in my car.  Over
> due for an oil change, but want to switch to a thicker weight for summer.  I
> just bought some Castrol Syntec 10W30.  Do you listers think this is enough
> for summer.  Summer's in Wisconsin are rather mild and don't typically get past
> the 80s.  Just want to see what most of you use in the summer.

10W30 is a winter weight for me in the Seattle area.  Summer, I have usually
used 15W50 Mobil 1 or 20W50 synthetic blends.  Also tried Valvoline 10W40

>     Should I be switching to a 15W50 or 20W50 instead?  I have in the past made

I would.

>     Does anyone have any impressions on the new 0W(30?) Mobil 1 oil?  I think
> my dad ran that in our A6 this winter.

I ran 5W30 Mobil 1 in my 5kcsq for the NW Region Steamboat event.
It's like water when you put it in!  We burnt well over a quart of it
in 2.5k miles too.

In the past, Audi's recommendations have tended towards the
heavier weights - 15W40, 20W50 for summer.  The latest (A4 1.8T
manual) said the lighter weights (5W30 maybe 10W30) were
OK if marked 'Energy Conserving'.
