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'85 4kq--Missing Rear Diff Fluid?
Greetings all!
This car is a US model '85 4ksq.
Draining and refilling the rear diff. Only 850 ml of old oil came out, and
only 1100 ml of new fluid went in before spilling out the fill port. Bentley
say diff capacity is 2.2L.
I even let it sit for 30 min while cleaned all the gunk from the diff. No
more would go in.
The procedure that I used is at the end of this post.
Only 4 questions:
1. Why did only 850 ml of old oil drain out?
2. Why did diff take only 1100 ml of new fluid?
3. Is this a normal and am I ok with what I did?
4. If not normal, what do I do to correct the situation?
Please post your BT/comments/corrective suggestions directly to me(and list
if you wish).
BTW can I expect similar behavior from the trans/front diff? That oil change
is tomorrow.
Jan Pinkowish
'85 4kq
Diff drain/refill procedure that I used:
1. Elevated car only at rear jack point on passenger side, insert stand.
2. Cleaned around fill plug and then removed it. Plug is on pass. side about
2 inches up from the bottom.
3. Removed the drain plug located on the bottom of the diff and several
inches forward of the fill plug. Drained diff while car is still elevated
only at pass rear.
4. Replaced drain plug, car still elevated. Refilled diff.
Only 1100 ml of oil goes in before it starts spilling from the fill port.