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RE: auto maintenance startup

Instead of getting in all kinds of "fancy planning". Watch the sales on
Craftsman tools (ok tools, more or less) get yourself a set and start from
As you start doing something, say, changing the oil  get a special wrench to
remove the oil filter and on and on........You can always ask us if you need
or there is a tool to make your life easier.
Good luck and remember planning is not always the best way to do
things.........sometime it is better to add as you go along,

-----Original Message-----
From:	owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net [mailto:owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net]
On Behalf Of Brian Pleet
Sent:	Saturday, April 10, 1999 9:16 PM
To:	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
Subject:	auto maintenance startup

Last August I donated my 90 90Q20V to my wife when I bought a 95.5 S6.

I'm closely watching the introduction of the TT. We are going to Germany
in August and will tour Ingolstat and hopefully take an Audi safe
driving course. My wife, who likes her new toy, has encouraged (given me
permission) to restore/maintain her car in lieu of buying another

Although I've been an Audi bigot for 15 years (4000Q, 90Q, S6), I've
never maintained a vehicle with my own hands. As a workaholic
professional, I'm attracted to project type work but I'm not sure how to
get started.

1) Do you need the service manuals ASAP? Which one?
2) What minimum tools/equipment are required in the garage?
3) Are there magazines/books on how to restore a car to pristine shape?
4) What clubs/associations cater to restoration?
5) Is there a list of parts suppliers for Audi cars?
6) Do I need a buddy to learn how to tinker?
7) Where do you start? performance? appearance? mechanics?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Brian Pleet