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RE: Heat-soaked starters...

>... the same thing happened on my '78 Audi Fox ... so I doubt it is an "ur-q
>electrical shortcoming" ... 

While it's easy to dis Audi's electrical systems, I actually meant to write 
"4k-based electrical shortcomings" instead of pointing the finger only at the 
Ur-Q.  I've actually had quite good luck, electrically speaking, with the 
5k/100/200 cars in my family and even my '85 Ur-Q hasn't given me any trouble 
(yet, anyway).

However, the same cannot be said for either of the '81 4ks I owned.  In fact, 
I bought the first one from my sister because she decided that paying a 
mechanic to keep fixing everything (on what was then an 8-year old car) was 
becoming costly enough that justifiying the purchase of a new Honda with a 
warranty was easy -- whatever you might think about Hondas, it was definitely 
the right car for her -- and I ended up rewiring quite a bit of the engine 
compartment before chasing all of the bugs away.

>If you find a 5k in a wrecking yard see if the ABS controller is still there 

Thanks for the tip!