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RE: 5KCSTQ Fan Issues

At 09:54 99-04-12 -0400, Richard Haroutunian wrote:

>Can't figure out this fan issue.  The fan seems to work fine, it just seems
>to be a bit louder than normal when the engine is running.  Also, when the
>engine is running, the fan clicks on and seems to be drawing a bit more
>power than it usual.

It sounds like the fan is running on high speed when it should run at
medium speed. You might have problem with the resistor pack.

>Also, there afterrun fan doesn't seem to be working.  However it usually
>doesn't kick on unless I sit in traffic for a while.  The afterrun fan
>never ran like Listers talk about -- mine always ran for a few minutes,
>then shut off.

If the electric coolant pump is working, the fan won't run too long.

>I checked the fuses, etc. for the fan -- no burnt fuses.  Also, I noticed
>another part humming when the engine is off.  It's some type of pump
>located directly behind the rad fan-- with hoses going to and from the
>radiator.  It's about the size of a really thin coup can laid on its side.
>It's directly behind the rad fan--  in fact, it's so close, it looks like
>it may get hit by the fan blades if it were any closer.

It's the electric coolant pump. It should always run in conjunction with
the radiator fan. If you can actually hear the pump working, the fan is
obviously not running - so you have a problem here. Is your fan running
when the A/C is on?

Aleksander Mierzwa
Warsaw, Poland
87 Audi 5000CS turbo (mine)
88 Renault Medallion wagon (mom's)
91 mountain bike (just in case both cars break at the same time :-)