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RE: Bzzt-Crackle-Pfft! (long)

I don't see that the voltage would matter to the average consumer.  The
average Joe probably doesn't even know what the current voltage is of his
car.  If it costs less to run higher gauge wiring harnesses, they'll do it.
The manufacturer's will drive the shift, if it saves them $$$$.


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Mike Arman [SMTP:armanmik@n-jcenter.com]
> Sent:	Tuesday, April 13, 1999 3:33 AM
> To:	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject:	Bzzt-Crackle-Pfft! (long)
> stuff. There's also a problem with consumer acceptance: People won't pay
> more unless they see a perceived benefit, and this will be a tough sell.