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RE: use of coolant

... good call Doyt ... that jogged an old memory on my '88 5kCSQA ... Look
at the points where the water for the turbo feeds and returns ... both ends
are sources of small leaks.  On my car where the hose attaches to the freeze
plug adapter coolant was leaking ... I managed to repair it by simply
tightening the hose clamp ... it was a bit tricky to access, but the fix
held.  Another source is the short hose that attaches on the flange that
connects to the upper radiator hose.  This hose is a complicated crimped
affair which looks irreparable ... but the hose will come off and can be
replaced with a short section of conventional hose and a couple hose clamps.

Given the report of the smell I would be more suspicious of the line to the
freeze plug ... good luck in any case!

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)

> ----------
> From: 	Doyt W. Echelberger[SMTP:Doyt@nwonline.net]
> Sent: 	Tuesday, April 13, 1999 5:48 AM
> To: 	Quattro List
> Subject: 	Re: use of coolant
> Jim......A potential point of loss is the watercooled turbo, which is both
> hot and directly supplied with coolant. Now that I think of it, this is a
> very likely source for your coolant loss, since you say you smell burning
> coolant after a long drive. I'd eliminate the turbo first as a source of
> the loss, then look elsewhere.
> It seems to me that other sources of coolant loss would show up as spots
> on
> your parking space floor. 
> Doyt Echelberger
> 87 5kcstq
> 86 4kq
> 85 Jetta TurboDiesel
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> At 08:24 PM 4/12/1999 -0500, you wrote:
> >i have an 86 5kqt that is using coolant.  have to refill resivoir every
> few
> >days.  not overheating according to oil or coolant temp, runs at 225F but
> i
> >can smell burning coolant from outside of car after long driving.  any
> help?
> >
> >