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Re: Wheel Lock Recommendation?

On Wed, 14 Apr 1999 Ssgacc@aol.com wrote:

]On the intelligence of these "car thieves".  Before I met my wife she owned 
]an 86 Chevy Camaro.  They break in to steal the $5 AM/FM cassette but can't 
]get it out.  So to keep from having it a totally lost cause they steal a 
]pink, black, and white zebra striped, fake fur seat cover (only one), and AN 
]air freshner (the trees on the rearview mirror).  Rocket scientists these 
]ain't.  Although in Scranton,Pa these lads might be at the top of their class.

	similar with junkie burglars.  we had a rash of break-ins
	on our street.  we got hit, i lost a portable dat and a 
	powerbook, my housemate lost her wallet and a car stereo
	faceplate.  the thief also passed up 10 analog synths, 
	various other racks of gear, mixers, hundreds of cd's, 
	other computer equipment, and a 1960's vox starstreamer
	to then walk down the hall to my other housemates room
	to steal: a mouse pad.

	(see http://www.wbl.com/porn/ for the gear)

 rocky mullin
 two strokes are faster than four!
 this message was composed using the vi editor.
 '83 ur-q - yamaha rz350 - suzuki ts250 -  chaotic good