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Re: A4 yuppie scum in Boston

In a message dated 99-04-15 07:30:18 EDT, you write:

<< >   120 mph in broad daylight, 
 and what death wish do you have for driving at that speed on a public 
highway with other traffic around?
 It's the SPEED DIFFERENTIAL that kills, not necessarily the outright speed 
itself. when you're traveling at 2x the posted limit on any major highway 
with other traffic, you're asking for trouble.
 Depending on the circumstances, even a 10 mph differential can be deadly.
I don't want everyone to think I'm somekind of loose nut.  I DON"T drive like 
that in traffic, on local, non-limited access roads, etc.  As far as speed 
differential goes:
      1. Except for that intentional popout trick I talked about earlier, I 
barely have to 
          use my brakes on the highway
      2. I learned how to drive with extreme speed differentials on Japanese 
          bikes at 150-175 mph.   That's speed differential!
      3. Look at long endurance races with weary drivers, limited visibility, 
          weather, competitive passing, no marked traffic lanes, and HUGH 
I am not trying to endorse high speed driving, but it works for me and a few 
others I meet on the road.  If an unskilled or unsafe driver wants to "race", 
or someone just wants to go faster (rare) I willingly and readily let them 
go.  I have driven some of the most scared, anti-speed auto passengers and 
even they grudgingly admitted that except that they KNEW what the speed was 
they felt safe.  If you rode with me for a few hundred miles in all 
conditions and kept an open mind I believe you would not feel that FAST 
drivers are some type of road-going assasins bent on human destruction.  I 
care about others very much and try to be as courteous, safe, and 
professional as possible.  All while driving fast.

Jim Accordino