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RE: After run pump, set up

>BTW - any earthly reason why there are 2 pos wires? I understand I have to
>relay the ground, but was just wondering...

There is only ONE positive wire on the Audi plug, but it is always
on.........the ground is what activates the pump (in the Audi set up), so,
if you connect the relay ground to the Audi ground (at the plug) you should
be in business. The ground when the thermo switch is on will be activated
(activate your relay) and the pump will run.

-----Original Message-----
From:	Dave Head [mailto:dhead@sundial.sundial.net]
Sent:	Friday, April 16, 1999 9:27 AM
To:	Avi Meron
Subject:	RE: After run pump, set up

At 06:47 PM 4/15/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Did I not say that in my post..........shame on me......I apologize, and
>will kick my self in the ass 4 times later.........
>Yes it is the opposite and no, you don't have to install it upside
>down.........just remove the bolts the hold the pump on (real easy) and
>rotate the pump the correct way, If I can do it, you sure can............
>Let me know if you need any more info.
>Sorry again.........

BTW - any earthly reason why there are 2 pos wires? I understand I have to
relay the ground, but was just wondering...
********************************AUDI FAN*********************************
                EMCM(SW) - retirement 30 Apr... Dave Head
87 5KCStq 249K miles - fer sale, durned good price
89 200q 187K miles - cleanup in progress
    qcusa #3442                                           Oviedo, Florida
new ISP: dave.head@worldnet.att.net
If my email bounces, use dave.head@pyxiscorp.com