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Interesting afternoon and the buzzing clicking sound is still there 864kq
Greetings all,
Finally got around to changing the transmision oil in my 86 4kq with 160k
on the clock. Had been trying to track down a buzzing click sound that
occurs at about 3k rpm. Thought of the speedo cable, disconneted to
confirm. A lister reccomended low transmision oil. Well after multiple
passes I got it done today, but the noise is still there. What to do next?
On the lighter side. I checked everything out before buying the oil and
well forgot to take the big Mag Lite out from behind the left front brake.
It was shining perfectly on the fill hole. So on the way to the auto parts
store, it fell out onto the road. Actually only got about 300 feet from my
driveway. I did not know it at the time. I see a pick up truck behind me
stop and pick up somthing from the road. Well I did not put it all
together till I was paying for the oils and filter, it hit me I had just
lost a very nice flash light. As luck would have it as I pulled into my
drive the truck drove by. I followed it down the road and got the light
back. Why the gentlemen did not approach me at the traffic light a block
from my house one can guess. I made them be honest though. So ends the
trials and tribulations of transmision oil change.