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Re: Steering Rack Difficulties.. Advise
Gross wrote:
[...] I have everything detached from the rack
but can't move the right side forward enough to bring it out of the
I'm prepared to get physical and bring out the 'Levermaster Grande' pry
Is there some magic "twist here while pulling there" maneuver that will
extricate me from this sorry state?
Yes, Gross, it's precisely that: "twist here while pulling there".
Please don't get physical. Just be patient. Have you removed the
complete right tie rod assy beforehand?
Pulling the rack is a big pain in the rear, but there's only one other
way to do it: to pull it from the top, having disassembled near
everything in the process.
That's how in the dark ages pre-Bentley and pre-List I've done my first
rack on my first type-44 Audi. Kinda like in the joke about a Soviet
dentist who extracted a tooth through the rectum.
Gross, if you intend to rebuild the rack yourself don't forget to
replace the corrugated outer boot: you'll avoid having to do the job
twice within one month. Don't ask me how I know this :-)
Igor Kessel
Three turbo quattros