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RE: Bilsteins vs BOGE

yes, most would say that the kilometers travelled is the key, and <100k kms
(60k miles) that my ur-quattro boge's had travelled should be ok, but the
shocks, when tested, were down to efficiency levels of around 55%.  they
should have been in the 70%+ range.

'95 rs2
'90 ur-q

-----Original Message-----
From: Mik's Mail [mailto:miktip@surfnet1.net]
Sent: Thursday, 22 April 1999 11:28
To: Dave.Eaton@clear.net.nz
Cc: Qlist
Subject: RE: Bilsteins vs BOGE

Dave wrote:
>anyway, the boge's lasted 9 years and 96,000kms but were in poor shape.

9 YEARS!!!  Poor Shape!!!

Wouldnt it be better to say, "THEY WERE GONE"!
