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NE tech day report!

First off, many thanks to the Miller family for hosting our large group!

I believe, but I could be wrong, that we had around 18 cars and about 
22-23 people show up (hard to count; people left and came at 
semi-random); it was great fun.  We even had a drive-in visitor who 
saw the sign posted on Rt 111:

0000		(Audi rings, use your imagination :)
Tech day

...that Chris has set up.  The guy stuck around for about 30 min or 
so chatting with people.

I'm sure the neighbors were probably wondering what the hell was 
going on(Chris's side lawn and driveway looked like a cross between a 
used car lot and a chop shop :)

some highlights:

-one very, very toasted 4k timing belt(chunks missing!)
-one very, very toasted V8Q upper breather hose(softer than jello, 
came apart in pieces)
-successful rear brake caliper conversion on Paul's wife's 90q20v
-Glen's beautiful, rare, metallic graphite UrQ

Pictures of just about the entire session are available off my web 
server; I had a digital camera that I used to take about 60 pictures 
or so.  I performed some quick enhancements, cropped, and named them.

 The ones posted have been resized down to 50% for dialup surfers. 
The largest image is around 164k.  I have the full-size versions 
available upon request.

The URL for the directory of images is:

Right now, there's just a directory, with semi-descriptive(and 
hopefully somewhat accurate) names.  Some are labeled numerically to 
indicate a sequence(ie, removal of various components for timing belt 
etc.)  Later, I'll try making a catalog page or at least having an 
index with full text descriptions.  Corrections/notes/identifying 
comments about various pictures welcome, mostly on the shots of 
engine bays in various states of disassembly.

Brett Dikeman
"Diplomacy is the art of telling someone to go to hell and making 
them happy to be on their way." - Mark Twain

"Oh no.  Not again." - The bowl of Petunias

"... it is important to realize that any lock can be picked with a 
big enough hammer." -- Sun System & Network Admin manual

Statler: "Hey, this one sounds cute."
Waldorf: "You old fool, that's not the personals, it's the obituaries!"