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Results of turbo 5000 tear down
First of, thanks to everyone who responded regarding the interfering valve
I pulled the car apart today and discovered the valves do interfere with the
pistons. Every piston has a fresh nick in it. The zero compression reading
I got on my gauge was confirmed.
The bright spot is the PO brought the car to the dealer to change the broken
timing belt and locked water pump which caused the problem. When the
mechanic told him the valves got bent when the timing belt broke, he decided
to sell the car. We settled for $650, probably what he paid for the timing
belt/water pump.
Looks like the exhaust valves hit, which blows, because I hear they are
sodium filled, unlike the valves in my spare Quantum head I was planning on
So Monday I call the dealer and do the sticker shock thing pricing out
exhaust valves. I might end up using the Quantum valves anyway, though this
may prove to be penny wise.
If anyone is interested in seeing pictures of the tear-down, please pmail.
I am not officially on the list, so I won't see any list replys. I have a
digital camera, so I can snap some shots of anything of interest.
Thanks again, PSD.