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Re: ventilation problems with 90Q 20V

I have the same problem, but I have no cure for it.  I would be curious on 
the cure, cuz the smell is driving me insane.  The connecting peice to the CC 
broke at one point and I assumed it was that, but after welding it back 
together again, the smell continued.  I smell gas though, but it might wells 
as be exaust.  My nose is not up to speed.  Please keep this posted.

Jason C
89 200t10v
Redmond WA

In a message dated 4/26/99 12:11:25 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
brian@owlscreech.com writes:

 Hello all,
 I am having problems with my '90 90Q 20V: 
 After driving for awhile with the heater on, when I come to a light or
 stop, you can begin to smell (what seems to be) exhaust.  It has a new
 catalytic converter, and there don't seem to be any exhaust problems.
 I took it to my mechanic, he checked the ducts and so forth for the
 ventilation system and said everything was fine.  He said to track it down
 could get expensive as he would have to start taking things apart to get
 into it.
 Has anyone else had (or heard of) this type of problem?  Where would you
 recommend that I begin doing my own investigatvie work rather than the
 Second question: what cost should I expect for to replace the rear brake
 pads and rotors (with genuine Audi parts and labor added)?
 '90 90Q 20V
 '96 A4 2.8Q >>