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(Fwd) Jamex Strut Brace Group Purchase [was: Re: Procrastinato

------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
From:           	"Ken Keith" <auditude@impulsedata.net>
Organization:   	Special Devices, Inc.
To:             	audi-20v@lists.emailsol.com, quattro@audifans.com
Date sent:      	Mon, 26 Apr 1999 16:39:00 -0700
Subject:        	Jamex Strut Brace Group Purchase [was: Re: Procrastinator]
Send reply to:  	auditude@impulsedata.net
Priority:       	normal

Rngmeister@aol.com wrote:
> ON that note, what ever came of the group order of braces a while back?  I
> got a confirmation that my name was on a list, but I never got anything
> about sending a check in, when, where to send it, NADA........Mysterious?
> Was I off the list that day or something?
> help
> rngmeister

That's unfortunate.  I posted to the mother list and the 20v list.  I didn't send 
direct email to notify anyone, except for maybe one or two that asked 
specifically for the status.

I forwarded the list of names to John Karasaki.  I thought most people caught 
the post and sent their checks in.  I recall him mentioning that some of the 
checks that came in weren't on the list, and some on the list didn't send 
checks in.

In retrospect, a direct email via distribution list might have been better to 
prevent anyone from falling through the cracks.

Who all missed the "send your checks in" post?

please send the reply to auditude@impulsedata.net