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questions about buying a 1993 90S

Ed, I'm next-town over in Princeton, so I'll keep my eyes peeled.  Anyone
who drives a 500K+mile Audi deserves special notice.  20V 90s are available
in the $5-6K range, with Coupes a couple K higher.  See the temple of the
20V at:  http://20v.org/  and learn about everything you'd need to know
about the cars.

Is it just me, or do others have the opinion that the later 90's are way
under-represented on the list?  IMHO, the V-6 is a vastly less interesting
engine than the 20v 5, and, I believe, lower performance.  Cosmetically,
however, I find the '93-on 90s the most attractive of the 80-90 series  Audi

Good luck,

Brandon Hull
'91 ersatz S2

> Does anyone know of a car that fits my bill for sale near New Jersey?
> Quattros are definitely desired, but I think that would blow the budget.
> Oh yeah, more questions.  Are pre-1993 90's all 20V motors?