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Re: oil leak update...

> > Tightened the oil pump bolts, swapped out a noisy P/S pump for another
> > noisy one...
> I meant to ask you earlier... did you pull your oil pump during the belt
> service? I recall someone mentioning that after replacing the front crank
> seal, some I5s start leaking at the oil pump gasket.

No I didn't remove it, but it does occur to me that it prety hairy
removing most of the bolts that hold in a gasketed cast part the oil
pump) to do another job (the TB/WP), since they hold the back TB cover
on as well.

Seems like a great opportunity to mess up that gasket.  And you can't
pull the oil pump without dropping the oil pan to remove the oil pickup,

I hope I don't have to do this...

Huw Powell


82 Audi Coupe; 85 Coupe GT