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Rough auto shifting question:'93 90S
You folks gave me tons of great info and discussion on
the merits of buying one of the various 90 models. Thanks a lot!
But...one of my main questions didn't get a direct answer
so I'd like to ask it again with a different 'subject' title
to attract a different audience; it's all in the marketing. (-:
Sorry for the duplicate question, I just need to know.
Here's the original question, slightly edited for context:
I'm checking out a '93 90S to buy. It's got 138K miles, but feels
good to drive. One thing concerns me; I think I feel a slight roughness
in the auto-trans during up and downshifts, and maybe a slight delay
after power is applied, but I'm more sure of the roughness than
the delay. I'm an ex-mechanic so I'm attuned to this stuff.
My '84 4000S is a stick so I'm comparing the shifting to my wife's
'85 BMW 735i, which shifts pretty smoothly. My question is: does
this sound normal for a '93+ 90S 4-speed auto, or are the clutch packs or
something else starting to go? What's a reasonable life-span for
this trans?
Ed Skladany
Hopewell, NJ