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RE: Virus alert, no audi content
I was pretty dumb and initiated the HAPPY99 attachment. Since doing so
my Microsoft Outlook deleted my "Sent" and "Deleted" items while
retaining my "Inbox" items. I re-booted and did not get any warnings
from the McAffre (spelling?) virus program. Everything appears to be
running OK. Does this sound like any of the symptoms of this virus or
did I just do something stupid to lose these messages?
Rene Curry
84 5KST
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Matt Rooke [SMTP:mrooke@fcpa.fujitsu.com]
>Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 1999 11:17 AM
>To: quattro@audifans.com
>Subject: Virus alert (digest)
>Yesterday morning's digest, <quattro-digest V1 #96>
>contained the HAPPY99.EXE program as an attachment.
>This is a known destructive virus- don't run it!!!
>Matt Rooke