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1990 200TQW Brakes Feel Weird
About a week ago, I noticed a change in the feeling of the brakes
in my 1990 200 TQ wagon. Before, the brakes felt what I considered
"normal". Now as the pedal is depressed, you can feel the brakes
grab slightly, then nothing for a while, then the brakes start to have
some effect a ways down in pedal travel. A friend with a 1991 200
took the car out for a spin and said that the braking "does not instill
confidence". The hydraulic system brake light does not come on
during braking and it does not stay on for an extended period of
time at startup. The light is on for maybe 1 second.
I am trying to decide if the problem is the brake master cylinder
or the hydraulic brake booster or ???. I don't think it is the bomb
as it doesn't have the symptoms that others have reported. If it is
the master cylinder, I remember from Igor's posts that a new one
is the way to go. If it is the booster, has anyone rebuilt one of
these or is a new one the way to go?
Any and all inputs appreciated.
Dave Lawson
1990 200 TQ Wagon
1983 ur-q