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Re: Looking for Audi/Bose rear speakers

I just recently had an Alpine CD deck (w/ 35 watts per 4 channels) installed in
my 89 100Q ...... no problems with the rear speakers. the dealer (Circuit City)
recognized the amplified rear speakers and said he hooked up everything with no

As far as "free" installation goes ..... hmmmmmmmmm The Alpine price comes with
installation included, but they still charged me about 25 bucks for an adapter
and wiring harness.

Jim H.
Quincy MA

Daniel Hussey wrote:

> No, they are not Bose unless you have the optional Bose system (You'll know
> as you'll see a lot of Bose scriptures).  The '89-'91 100/200 non-Bose
> systems also had rather large amplified rear speakers as well.  Not sure of
> the manufature, but they are defenately not Bose (thank goodness!).
> Anyone know if they are any trouble when installing a different head unit.
> Went window shopping today and found a Kenwood eXcilion head unit that the
> guy said installation would be free.  Somehow I doubt it because of all the
> special Audi crap, but that's what he says.
> Just making sure I don't need any sort of special low-to-high pass adapter
> or anything.
> Later,
> Dan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Frank Stadmeyer <stadmef@connix.com>
> To: Mark McCulley <audicar99@hotmail.com>
> Cc: 200q20v@pdikeman.ne.mediaone.net <200q20v@pdikeman.ne.mediaone.net>;
> quattro@audifans.com <quattro@audifans.com>
> Date: Friday, June 04, 1999 7:59 PM
> Subject: Re: Looking for Audi/Bose rear speakers
> >Geez, I don't know.  I thought the Bose systems were the only ones with
> >amps.  Mine say Bose on them.
> >
> >Anybody else know?  I'm still tring to learn to drive the etka and haven't
> >found the speakers yet.
> >
> >Thanks
> >
> >At 10:42 PM 6/2/99 -0700, you wrote:
> >>I just pulled the factory amplified rear speakers from my 91 100. Don't
> >>think they are Bose though, at least they don't say Bose anywhere. Are
> these
> >>what you're looking for?
> >>
> >>MM
> >>
> >>
> >>>From: Frank Stadmeyer <stadmef@connix.com>
> >>>To: 200q20v@pdikeman.ne.mediaone.net, quattro@audifans.com
> >>>Subject: Looking for Audi/Bose rear speakers
> >>>Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 21:34:51 -0400
> >>>
> >>>I presume that SCREECH!! SQUAWK!!!! BRAAAAP!!!! emmanating from my rear
> >>>speaker with the attendant release of the all important smoke and odor
> >>>component means that my speaker has expired.
> >>>
> >>>Do any of you who have upgrded to better stereo systems happen to have a
> >>>pair of these they'd like to get rid of (for a suitable fee of course)?
> >>>
> >>>I apparently need at least the left but I suspect I ought to get one of
> >>>each if they are different.
> >>>
> >>>Has anyone sucessfully opened one of these speaker/amps up?    Any
> BTDT's?
> >>>
> >>>Thanks
> >>>
> >>>Frank Stadmeyer
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >>_______________________________________________________________
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