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Re: TT Coupe unveiling at Clair Audi
Ta Heck with the Cars, Sean: Where's the pictures of Brigid? :)
Kneale Brownson
At 09:58 PM 6/8/99 -0400, Sean & Tammy Ford wrote:
>Hello, all,
>Forgive me if this has already been posted, I've been having ISP/email
>Anyway, some of you may remember that I had been invited to a TT Coupe
>at Clair Audi back on May 22nd. Due to circumstances beyond my control, in the
>form of my daughter's birth, I was unable to attend. As luck would have
it, our
>own Joe Fritz attended the unveiling in my place.
>Joe was kind enough to send me photos of the event, along with the promotional
>packet that was given to the attendees. I've scanned the pix (I'm still
>on scanning some of the promotional packet) and created a page for it. Now if
>only Mr. Fritz would see fit to send me a little written report on his
>impressions of the event.... :-)
>If you're interested, you can reach the page directly by clicking here:
>Or by going through the MotorCity link in my .sig, going to the Audi 100CS
>and then clicking on "TT Coupe Unveiling".
>The page is still under construction, but the pix are mostly there.
>Sean, Tammy, Seamus, & Brigid Ford
>'92 Audi 100CS 5-spd 46k miles
>'98 Honda CR-V EX auto 21k miles
>'89 Suzuki Katana 600 red/gold 17k miles
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