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Re: Turbo Use
In a message dated 6/10/99 8:08:25 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
Fullback6@aol.com writes:
> Yesterday I let my friend drive my Audi, Big mistake. He revved the engine
> up to7000 rpm and you could smell the burnt clutch after he drove. After
> that, when i drove it right after him, the car was accelerating weird and
> the
> turbo didn't seem to be working. I let the engine sit in neutral for about
> minutes after the drive was finished, in order to let the turbo cool down.
> Does anyone know why the turbo acted so sporradically after his driving,
> how long the turbo should cool down for?
> Jonathan Bowman
> 98 A4 1.8t q
Well, first of all yoru friend probably couldn't drive all that well if he is
burning the clutch. Something tells me you should be more careful next time.
7k rpm is ok if you touched it and backed off. Things really start of be
bad is when you keep it @ 7k. I have a few times touched 8k on my Honda, but
the redline is 7.
Turbo cool down depends on how hard you ran it. If you did track time, a
good 10-15 minutes. If you drove it hard then I would say that 7 minutes
would be good enough. Normal cool down, I would do about 2-3 minutes. If
you are REAL concern and you ran it REAL hard...I am talking HARD HARD. I
would keep the engine running with a pack of ice to the intercooler. Its a
ol' SCCA trick that I got from going to the events once in a while.
Jason C
89 200t10v
Redmond WA