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Re: An M3 ate my Q
Your motor in an A4 body *might* have a shot at out-running a new ///M3, but
the 5Kq is too heavy. If it makes you feel better, just think what you
could have if you spent as much money as he did...;-)
Bob W.
'99 A4 1.8Tqms, APR 1bar
-----Original Message-----
From: Lewis, Gary M <Gary.Lewis@West.Boeing.com>
To: 'quattro' <quattro@audifans.com>
Date: Thursday, June 10, 1999 12:43 PM
Subject: An M3 ate my Q
>It was ugly. Real ugly. Guy in a brand spanking new M3 coupe is tooling
>along slowly, doing like 35. I pull around him, stomp on it, and I'm gone.
>He is behind me at the next light. I don't stomp on it as I figure the guy
>doesn't want to mess up his new car. As I shift into 2nd, 2 car lengths
>behind me, I hear him jump on it. So of course, I do to. I have a K24
>turbo, 2 piece EM, chip, my 88 is no slouch. I get 1.8 bar at 2,800 rpm.
>There is nothing wrong with my car. Purrs like a kitten, roars like a
>He pulls around me like I'm standing still. By the time I hit 60 (so
>20 to 60) the guy is _6_ cars ahead of me. 6 CARS AHEAD OF ME!!!!!!!
>pulling away...
>Sorry for shouting. I'm still trying to accept this. I gave up after 60.
>What's bugging me is that maybe a 3.5 bar 20v RS2 equipped transplant would
>keep me _even_ with an M3.
>I went home and told my wife I'm selling the current inventory and buying a
>new S4. 350hp chipped. Then I'm going BuMWiper hunting... :-)
>Humbly yours in Los Angeles,
>Gary Lewis
>88 5kcstq 1.8 bar 110km Pearl w/Fuchs, K24 turbo, 2-piece EM
>86 5kcstqw Sapphire and Platinum, stock
>Mergers, Acquisitions, Public Offerings
>(818) 384-7600