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Re: 4Kq accelerator linkage
Been there, ended up with duct tape on it for the ride home. Than replaced
with stock. BTW same thing happened on my 83 GTI a few years back. Never
travel without Duct tape.
David Nevin wrote:
> Okay, what engineering genius designed the accelerator pedal linkage on
> my 87 4K? If you've been there, you know what happened to me today--I'm
> sitting at a corner, go to push on the accelerator pedal, hear a
> clunking noise, and nothing. Further investigation reveals these strange
> looking foam rubber grommets disolving from age--nothing else seeming to
> hold it together.
> Anyone come up with a better solution, or should i just try to order
> those grommets?
> Thanks,
> Dave Nevin
> Lawrence, KS
> 87 4KCSq