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Re: 4K sunroof question

In a message dated 6/16/99 4:17:23 PM Central Daylight Time, 
knotnook@traverse.com writes:

<< In 1999 archives:
 http://coimbra.ans.net/cgi-bin/lwgate/quattro/archives     look for the
 report of April 5 from Bucksnort (a real town in which lives the poster,
 MHLIGGINS)  Re: Sunroof is out....describing a 5k sunroof, which I'd bet is
 not too different from the 4k.  One thing left out of the posting which the
 Bentley mentions is using masking tape to protect paint around the sunroof
 opening. >>

	FWIW, I KNOW how to take the SOB out, I'm the one that wrote the note 
you refer to. The 5K and 4K come out the same way. 
	What I don't know is how to take it apart. BIG difference. They 
probably come apart the same way. But the Bentley is not helping here. 
Neither the one for the 5K or the one for the 4K. There must be some "index" 
position to put the thing into in order to get it apart, but I can't find out 
what it is. If you've seen something in the archives that would help me 
there, let me know. I can't recall having seen anything on sunroof takedown. 
But then, I've never needed it before so may have ignored it.
