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Re: One less lister, was Stupid bet!

my buddy did the exhaust on his '89 100Q, and found various bones lying in
cat heat shield

John Stanton wrote:

> Road kill master,
> Well, I really don't care that you are engaged in a road kill derby.  Who knows
> you might even help eleviate some hunger and reduce the food stamp role all at
> once.  But please don't hurt the under carriage of your nice quattro.  Take it
> from experience anything larger than a squirrel, a raccoon for instance can take
> out your exhaust system.
> >
> >                 this record for some time I am thinking of moving up to cats
> > or small dogs as
> >                 they are easier to hit. Who is going to be the first one now
> > to step up and
> >                 chastise me.