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Subject: RE: more euro lights - light pattern question
>>-----Original Message-----
Albert Ng wrote:
>>While we are on the euro light topic, I would like to ask
>>thoes listers
>>whose have euro lights a quick question.....
>>I currently have the 100 euro H4 setup on my 5kcst. While I was
>>adjusting the lights serveral months ago, I noticed the beam
>>pattern on
>>the left side (driver side) is obviously sharper and brighter than the
>>right side.
>>I first thought it is something to do with bad connection or
>>voltage drop
>>on the RS headlight. However, after I checked the voltage and current
>>draw on both side, everything seemed alright. BTW, the
>>condition of both
>>haedlight reflectors are in very good shape too.
>>So, I wonder if it is just me or all the audi euro H4 lights have a
>>sightly different LS and RS (weaker) beam pattern? If it is
>>only me have
>>this beam pattern problem, what would be the cause? bad
>>reflector or len,
>>may be?
>>Albert Ng
>>'87 5kcst
David Browning replied:
>I have a feeling that the bulb itself may make some difference, but I'm not
>exactly sure. For instance, I replaced the 55W H1 bulbs in my 4000's
>driving light with 100W's. I had to readjust the beam in a big way. I also
>think it wasn't as "focused" as the 55W, so I put the 55W's back in.
>'86 4000s (H1/H4's)
I add:
I agree about the bulbs; also, some wattage estimates on the no-names may be
way off, and can vary bulb to bulb. Couple other points: on my euros, there
are different patterns for left (driver's side) and right; the right side
flare goes up high on the side to illuminate road signs, etc. Vice versa in
right-hand-drive cars... Right now I'm running slightly lower wattage on the
driver's side (last longer, which is an issue when it's such a pain to swap
bulbs, and also is less blinding to on-coming traffic). You should pull up
to a wall at night, then block one light at a time with a sheet of cardboard,
etc. and compare. Make sure they're aimed correctly, especially if higher
wattage. Make sure you're getting proper voltage at each side; lower wattage
= less light (somewhat logarithmic relationship between volts and output, so
1/2 volt can be significant); you're using relays, correct?
hth, chris miller, windham nh, c1j1miller@aol.com
see my eurolights page that I put together for last year's group purchase
(prices are higher now, btw) at
and http://members.aol.com/c1j1miller/index.html under repair index, body and