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2322 thank you

Thank you to all those who responded to my query on the 2322 code.
The air temp sensor is apparently a used replacement by the PO.  There were no plugs on it, but a solder and shrink wrap joint up the wire a ways.  I clipped the wires, and bench tested the sensor -- 500 ohms as per spec from Scott Mockery's page, Thank You Scott!  Hot breath made it go to 503 ohms and slowly sink back to 498 ohms.  Sensor clearly OK.  Don't you just love those digital multi-meters?
I clipped the solder joint up the wire and re-joined the sensor with the wires.  So far no codes, although today is not a hot day.
I did notice there seemed to be some correlation between running the A/C and the 0.8 bar check engine light, but turning off the A/C did not affect the problem, so it was not a first order correlation.  In retrospect it makes more sense, as on hot days, the A/C is on, and the manifold inlet temp is more likely to go hot.  I must have had an open circuit, which is cold air to the ECU.
Now why was I seeing the check engine light?  When I clipped the wires and ran the engine on the driveway, I never saw a check engine light.  Was the check engine light still the fully retarded warning, due to the ECU thinking it was using cold dense air and dumping an overly rich mixture into the engine for the hot conditions?  If so, why was I not getting a  2141 code?
Thanks again, all.
Bernard Littau
Woodinville, WA
'88 5kcstq, back to eating school busses :-)