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Re: Cleaning Windshields

Did this once to remove some overspray after painting a car, bottom line was
one ruined windshield.  I would not try it again.

----- Original Message -----
From: Phil Payne <quk@isham-research.demon.co.uk>
To: <LB6116@PITCAIRN.com>
Cc: <quattro@audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, June 21, 1999 7:26 PM
Subject: Re: Cleaning Windshields

> In message
rn.com> Lawrence Bardfeld writes:
> > A friend of mine, who is fairly knowledgeable about cars
> > (ASE-certified mechanic, etc.), suggests that the best way to clean my
> > car's windshield is using a mild cleaning solution and very fine steel
> > wool (!!)  Is he trying to pull my leg (and scratch my windshield)?
> Both, I suspect.
> Germans use little solid yellow open-weave sponges.  I've forgotten
> what they're called - "Muecken-something"?
> At any rate - you can buy them in my local Audi dealership, so I'll see
> if they've got a part number.
> --
>  Phil Payne
>  UK Audi quattro Owners Club
>  Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 0870 0883933