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re one-touch up power windows

feb@febsun.cmhnet.org (Franco Barber)wrote:

A few months ago on the list we were discussing what it might take
to modify the power windows on a US-spec 100/A6/etc so that the
driver's door, in addition to one-touch down, would have one-touch up.

I have news.  I've done it.

If you have a 92-95 100/A6, and it's using Audi part 441 959 257 B
for a power window control module, I can now tell you for sure
that the part number you want is 441 959 257 D.
Expect to pay about $170 for this part in Europe.

I installed this part last night in my '95 A6Q, and it's working!

I wonder what the difference is?  If we were extremely lucky, the difference
would be an internal jumper.

Congratulations Franco, this is very useful news, although I'm not sure it
registers on my $ priority list yet.

Kirby A. Smith   New Hampshire USA
1988 90q Titanium gray, 180 kmi
1988 90q Stone gray, 185 kmi 
1988 90q Stone gray, 180 kmi - parts car
1995 S6 Pearl effect, 80 kmi