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Emergency fuel tank repairs.

Having spent a major part of my life "off-road" in pursuit
of my livelyhood (construction) I have jury rigged a few vehicles
so I could get back to the "hard road".

Fuel tank punctures can be repaired  by using "long fibre wheel
bearing grease",the old kind that's stringy when you remove it 
from the can. Just take a gob of it and slap it on the hole. The 
larger the hole,the bigger the gob. It will stay in place for 
quite a while. I know,I know the gasoline should disolve the grease
and it will but it takes quite a while. I have "patched" rock
punctures as large as 1.5 inches this way and driven 10/15 miles
with no leak.of course it depends where on the tank the leak is.
Leaks on the top half are no problem,bottom half you need to hill the
hole and "trowel it on the surface of the tank". Don't have a trowel?
Sure you do,it's on the end of your arm.<G>