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Re: Shipping wheels???? UPS questions!

> >He's trying to rip you off!  Be careful.
> >Go to http://www.ups.com ,and click on Quick Calculator.  If the wheels
> >weigh 7kg (I think that's maybe a bit heavy, but don't know) it should
> >cost less than $20 (each) for UPS ground.
> Wrong.  The sport wheels weigh about 10kg and that would be a bit more to
> ship them.  When i shipped my sport wheels out, i didnt go to the UPS hub
> and it ended up costing me 150+ to ship them....

Dunno - even if one went to a pack'n'ship place, and they put each wheel
in a separate box, it's hard to figure out how they could get it up to
$50/wheel with a straight face.  unless the guy got quoted for second
day air or something.  For instance I could ship 60 pounds to CA (from
NH, much further) for just over $30.  Add a $10 box and $10
profiteering, you're still at half what he quoted you.

Huw Powell


82 Audi Coupe; 84 4kq; 85 Coupe GT