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Coupe Q Suspension Help!!


Over the weekend just gone I replaced the shocks and track rod ends on my
Coupe Q. I noticed that the large dished washer in the suspension turret
under the bonnet is now approx a quarter of an inch higher than it was
before, I am sure that it was flush with turret before I started the job.
Can someone please if possible run outside and have a look at your cars to
confirm whether it should be flush or is it ok as it is.?
I have looked at the washer underneath the top spring retainer and that
seems to be secure against the shock ( when the car is jacked up). When I
rebuilt the struts I replaced the top mounts (genuine Audi) and torqued down
the threaded collar with two slots in it as far as it would go, I have
checked that the top mounts are in correctly.

Also the car seems to have less grip than it did before with a rather stiff
feel to the steering in the straight ahead position, I have not yet had the
chance to get the alignment checked, but I guess it's out. Does anyone think
this will cure the problem?

