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Subject: Re: 89 200 TQ Advice Needed - and hurry!
Gavin Gray wrote:
>>- Cannot disable factory alarm from drivers door (assume wire has come
>>lose from back of switch) - driver door does unlock car, and alarm can
>>be disabled by unlocking from passenger side.
Igor Kessel replied:
<You assumption is correct. Or perhaps the wiring is broken inside the
<corrugated rubber boot that houses the harness between the door and the
<A-pillar. This is a very typical type-44 problem.
I add: Another possible cause: the door lock assembly was orginally made
with a piece of pot-metal that activated the lock/unlock. Typically breaks
first on the often-used driver's side. Fix by replacing with a stamped steel
updated part; bet that when they replaced it, they indexed the toothed wheel
that activates the alarm improperly. Still arms the alarm but doesn't travel
far enough in the other direction to disarm it. Easy but time consuming fix
to realign the toothed wheels (see my site for details).
chris miller, windham nh, c1j1miller@aol.com
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