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Stongard group purchase

Hi Y'all,

I just spoke with Tim at Stongard.  He told me that discounts for group
purchases are available.  An example: 10 units of headlite protectors were
less 10%, 20 units less 20%.  Similar discounts are available on both the
bumper protector as well as the light protector.


* Robert L. Myers  rmyers@inetone.net          Home 304-574-2372      *
* Rt. 4, Box 57,  Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA   WV tag Q SHIP          *
* '95 S6  Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen      ICQ 22170244           *
* http://www.cob-net.org/church/pvcob.htm  MediaRing Talk 304-574-1166*