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RE: bashing detroit, was Re: One invincible A8 and a cool driver.
Admittedly, American cars certainly seem like POS's. However, do statistics
bear this out? Are there any exceptions? American trucks certainly seem
pretty good and every once in awhile there is a car out of Detroit that
seems decent. Forinstance, the interior of a Seville STS actually seems of
very high quality, as it should for that price.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-quattro@audifans.com [mailto:owner-quattro@audifans.com]On
> Behalf Of John Cunningham
> Sent: Friday, July 02, 1999 8:41 PM
> To: scott miller
> Cc: caliban@sharon.net; quattro@audifans.com
> Subject: bashing detroit, was Re: One invincible A8 and a cool driver.
> never one to miss a chance to bash american cars, i have to say, a current
> Chrysler is a far better product than from the General these
> days. i just drove
> a brand new Olds rental the other day that was the biggest huge
> of sh*t you can
> imagine. only improvement in 20 years was probably the addition
> of huge roll
> bars so it doesn't wallow like sinking barge quite so badly. bad
> ride, terrible
> seats/ergonomics. bizarre and ancient controls. those idiots
> still actually
> make you use the two keys, 1 for ignition and a different one for
> the doors. my
> friend and coworker along for the ride suggested it was probably
> because they
> couldn't get past the vast technical problem of coordinating matching lock
> cylinders in the doors and ignition on the assembly line. he's
> probably right.
> have had the misfortune to ride in Buicks, drive several flavors
> of Chevy, and
> an occaisional Pontiac, all with the same 70's focus group
> mediocrity of design
> and bean counter cheap construction. Pontiacs the least offensive. on
> Chryslers, the rental Intrepid was far better example, IYLTKOT* of course.
> rental Cirrus was way better than the rental Lumina, etc. not
> that i want to
> drive or own any of that stuff... and oh yeah, trucks excepted.
> we can do
> trucks.
> (* if you like that kind of thing)
> scott miller wrote:
> > I'd put Chrysler with Radio Shack on quality. I buy stuff from
> radio shack,
> > but it's cheap and I don't expect as much from it. An awful lot of
> > Americans expect better from Chrysler than Audi, but they're slowly
> > learning.