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Re: tranny fill help

Hairy green toads from Mars made Ron Mruss say:

> Never done this myself, but a friend told me he once filled the
> tranny on his Rabbit with fluid through the hole for the speedo cable
> (after removing the cable of course).  No idea whether this would cause
> any harm or not, perhaps someone else can shed some light on this.
> Certainly not the recommended procedure, but it doesn't seem as if you
> have a lot of choice.

That works on Rabbits because the speedo is a cable that runs
through a tube directly into the tranny. Audi drives the speedo
from an electrical cable taht plugs into the side. DON'T do this.


Andrew L. Duane (JOT-7)			duane@zk3.dec.com
Compaq Computer Corporation		(603)-884-1294
110 Spit Brook Road
M/S ZKO3-3/U14
Nashua, NH    03062-2698

Only my cat shares my opinions, and she's too psychotic to express it