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Re: Cupholders & Americans
Robert B. wrote:
> Hi Tomas,
> flameproof overalls are ON!
> > ach.......those stupeed ameericuns vit der amburgairs und der tailfins und der
> > soap.....
> Soap? We have soap, hamburgers and even Coke (but it is being pulled off the market in
> Belgium --> something about poison?!)
> > who do dey tink dey are??????
> World cop. Oops, wrong list...
> Don't need to get personal, I drove in the US a lot and feel a lot safer driving at 100mph
> here than 65mph there. That was my point ;-)
> Rob in Germany
Let's not start an international feud! It is true that driving in North america and Germany
are different in many respects, but I have to agree with Rob about the safety aspect. After
driving a little on the autpbahn I don't consider myself an expert, but it was not the
hair-raising experience we americans are brainwashed into thinking-very orderly and safe. On
the other hand driving from the Toronto airport back to the nys border was truly a white
knucke experience, especially after previously having a moron in a giant truck fold up the
back half of my Jetta to suitcase size. The concept of leaving adequate space between your
car and the one ahead needs to be reinforced over here.