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Advice on ebrake cable for '91 200TQW?

I discovered yesterday that the left rear caliper doesn't release when I
release the parking brake.  THe right rear is fine.  When I tap the back of
the caliper with a small hammer or something similar, the brake releases.
When I depress the pedal without the ebrake engaged, it doesn't hang up.  I
replaced the rear pads and rotors last October, and the pistons turned in
nicely, with no difficulty whatsoever.  So I'm assuming it's either the
cable inside the sheathing, or perhaps the lever outside the caliper that's

I checked Scott Mockrey's website and some other places for advice on this.
And I realize this has been covered here before, but I can't find the
reference.  So, how much of a PITA is it to change out the ebrake cable(s)?
Are cables avaiblable aftermarket, or are they dealer only?  Does one
replace only the cable, or the sheathing around the cable as well?  I'm a
pretty good wrench, but haven't even thought about this before.  Could it be
done in an hour or so?

THanks again, everybody.

- Jim